Bologna in Lettere 2021 – Ian Gibbins – future perfect

Bologna in Lettere 2021

Il Festival online



a cura di Maria Korporal




Ian Gibbins


future perfect




future perfect

04:32, HD video, stereo (2019)

Words stripped of their ornamentation, pared back to monosyllabic cores… Are these the roots of language? Or are they the skeletal remains of a lost form of communication? Who is trying to speak here? What exactly are we being told? Perhaps a coded message. More likely, a cry for help.





Ian Gibbins is a widely-published poet, video artist and electronic musician living in Adelaide, South Australia. Ian’s videos have been shown at festivals and exhibitions around the world, having won or been short-listed for multiple awards. His audio and video work has been commissioned for public art programs, and has featured in several gallery shows and installations. He has published four books of poetry, two in collaboration with artists, and all of which have themes based in science. In his former life, Ian was an internationally recognised neuroscientist and Professor of Anatomy at Flinders University, South Australia.


For details of Ian’s creative work, visit