Bologna in Lettere 10th – Krzysztof Szatrawski

Bologna in Lettere 10th



stati di alterazione



International Poetry Review

a cura di Alessandro Brusa, Eugenia Dobrova, Enzo Campi



Krzysztof Szatrawski


Traduzione in italiano  Paolo Galvagni

Traduzione in russo Eugenia Dobrova





Krzysztof Dariusz Szatrawski (born Sept.1, 1961 in Kętrzyn) Polish poet, writer, philosopher of culture. In his artistic works he combines emotional, aesthetic and philosophical exploration on human condition in social and historic perspective. HIs research works are focused on theory and history of culture. He received doctor degree (PhD) from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in 1994 (dissertation Sacral Space in Masurian Choralbook)  and habilitation (D.Litt.) in 2014 from the same University (dissertation The Ideological Conditionings of the Works of Julian Stryjkowski). He is professor of University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. He is author of over 100 works in the field of musicology, literary studies, history and theory of culture. He is president of Polish Writers Association – Olsztyn Branch, vice-president of Association for Jewish Culture B`Jachad, honorary member of Arno Holz Association. His literary works were translated into Armenian, Belorussian, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hindu, Italian, Kazakh, Lituanian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Tadjik and Ukrainian. Published 9 books of poetry in Poland, 1 book of poetry in Romania and 2 books of poetry in Russia. Winner of many competitions and awards. Honorary citizen of the city of Kętrzyn.



dr hab. Krzysztof Szatrawski, prof. UWM



Kiedy czas się kończy


czarno-białe motyle zwijają już skrzydła

wychodzimy, pytanie i odpowiedź

żadnych planów na wieczór

nie zapomnij o kwiatach

i nakarm psa, on tak źle znosi samotność

drzwi, zamek

światła kurtyna


a cisza taka ponad nami że słychać kroplę

jak spływa po szybie i nic już być nie musi

bardziej niż było

a przestrzeń jeszcze większa niż ptaki mogą pojąć

trzepot ich skrzydeł tonie w błękicie

nawet zwątpienie

wstrzymuje oddech





Quando finisce il tempo


Traduzione Paolo Galvagni



farfalle bianche e nere ormai dispiegano le ali

noi usciamo, domanda e risposta

nessun progetto per la serata

non dimenticarti dei fiori

e dai da mangiare al cane, che mal sopporta la solitudine

l’uscio, il lucchetto

la tenda chiara


c’è una tale quiete sopra di noi, che si sente una goccia

scorrere sul vetro e nulla ormai sarà

più di quello che era

e la vastità qui è più ampia, di quanto gli uccelli possano abbracciare 

il fremito delle loro ali annega nell’azzurro

e perfino ai dubbi

si mozza il respiro



Когда кончается время


Перевод Евгении Добровой


черно-белые бабочки уже сложили крылья

мы выходим, вопрос и ответ

никаких планов на вечер

не забудь о цветах

и покорми собаку, она так плохо переносит одиночество

дверь, замок

светлый занавес


и такая тишина над нами, что слышно каплю

стекающую по стеклу, и уже ничего будет

больше, чем было

а простор здесь шире, чем могут объять птицы

трепет их крыльев тонет в лазури

и даже у сомнений

захватывает дух