Bologna in Lettere 10th – Shane Manieri

Bologna in Lettere 10th



stati di alterazione



International Poetry Review

a cura di Alessandro Brusa


Shane Manieri






Born in New Orleans to Sicilian immigrants, Shane Manieri received an MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University and is now a PhD candidate in Comparative Literature with an Italian Specialization at the CUNY Graduate Center. His honors include an Italian translation fellowship at Scuola Holden in Turin, full-immersion language scholarship at University for Foreigners in Perugia.  He currently lives in New York City.

You can follow Shane on Instagram @redshelley









You, father, with your shady beard and woolen-head,

pale as white-hot heat.


Roosting in battled-out bushes and relic dunes,

wresting power from your demons:


The heaviest wind and wrackest wood.

You are a Clock in a Ghosthead. Left over war


paint smudged on your cheek.

Marching around with your righteous gun. Now I must undo


your work: gripping the branches with webbed feet,

constantly adapting to the form of


the branch to which I cling.

I pluck one quill at a time


and dab in ink, and the ink bleeds

onto the page.





Tu, padre, una barba ombrosa, la testa arruffata,

pallido come torrida calura.


Appollaiato in cespugli ed in dune fantasma

strappando potere dai tuoi demoni:


Il vento più forte, il legno più marcio.

Sei un orologio in una testa assente. Tracce di colori di


guerra a sporcarti le guance.

Te ne vai in giro con quella giusta arma. Ora devo disfare


il tuo lavoro: afferrando i rami con i piedi palmati,

adattandomi continuamente alla forma del


ramno cui mi aggrappo.

Strappo una penna per volta


e la intingo nell’inchiostro e l’inchiostro

sanguina sulla pagina.


(Traduzione Alessandro Brusa)