Bologna in Lettere 10th – Francesca Levi – Lady of Miracles

Bologna in Lettere 10th



stati di alterazione




a cura di Maria Korporal



Francesca Levi

Lady of Miracles




Francesca Levi is a video artist who often incorporates mixed digital mediums in their work. They have recently have started experimenting with installation art, and in 2021, they premiered Yolk and Aliens, which was a multidisciplinary intergenerational piece exploring birth, mother daughter relationships and the ageing process. This was a collaboration with UK actress Jane Horrocks, composer Molly Vivian, and set designer Camilla Clarke for the Brighton Festival. Their first feature film was part of Live Cinema’s Unfilmables and was titled The Colour Of Chips – a reimagined and lost version of Parajanov’s The Colour Of Pomegranates, if it was set in Blackpool, a northern seaside town in England. Subsequently this was featured at Rotterdam International Film Festival in 2019 as well as revived at Manchester HOME cinema in 2020. Additionally in 2022 Francesca created an instillation in Klaipėdos Kultūrų Komunikacijų Centreas titled Songs to The Soul that incorporated peoples lost memories and music used in key life rituals. Memory, mythology and nature are often weaved into their work. Francesca also runs a short film festival called Everyday Arias which focuses on opera and folk music, celebrating the magic of song in every aspect of life. Songs to the soul features song films from around the world, from restored footage of a wedding in Pescara in 1960 to women weaving clothes in present day Kurdistan.